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Monday, November 22, 2010

Preparing Now and Talking to People

Tim Ralston has left a new comment on the "Survival Planning - Inflation Likely to Drive Food Prices Up" post,...When it comes to emergency preparedness, most people I talk to think that nothing will ever happen to them - so why should I bother? It drives me NUTS - but I know I am not nuts. As a father of 3 small children, I have always tried to protect and provide for all their immediate and future necessities.
We have grown up in the age of consumerism and take for granted that there will always be food on the shelves. But in this economy, it will only take a small natural disaster, declaration of hyper-inflation, a truckers strike or possibly a shortage of water or gas to empty the stores shelves within hours. Just look what happened in Boston! Read it here:

Now, I can sleep in peace! I love having the peace of mind, the feeling of being empowered-- that my family and I are covered with the necessary emergency food, and survival supplies for the next 20 years at TODAYS prices for what ever comes our way.

Tim sounds like he has a good understanding of what he faces. Many more people need to get on board and quickly. A trip yesterday to the grocery store revealed that many commodities are way up in price, especially vegetables. Fuel is up in my area 22 cents in two weeks. The Fed wants to infuse more cash,...that's a nice way of saying "printing more money", and is pushing the Government to pass another stimulus bill. Spending ourselves into prosperity doesn't work for families,'s not going to work for this Country.

Always wanted to keep this site apolitical despite my conservative views,...but the cliff we are heading for is nasty. If you watch Glenn Beck, you'll hear him say "Buy clothes, buy food, buy gold and silver." Hell even George Soros, who is a billionaire and makes his living bankrupting countries and pushing a one world government is buying Gold like mad.

We need to do something each and everyday. Yesterday for me was restocking the pantry for immediate use foods. Today I bought some more "AA" LED lanterns, is hard to beat a portablel solar power to 12v battery to AA/AAA battery charger and power inverter for small power needs. I think AA/AAA batterys are going to be so important. I use them for flashlights, radios, lanterns, and scanners and cannoot do without them. I also bought a couple more 8x10 foot green tarps - which I'll spray with a light brown vinyl paint, and I bought some small packaged thermal underwear kits for our emergency extra clothing kit bags.

Back to Tim's comment: Yes, it is aggravating to try and tell people about the need to prep. And yes, a lot of them will think you are nuts, but you never know you try and talk to them. I talk to people for several reasons: 1 - get them to prepare for their own good and 2 - the better they are prepared, the lesser burden they will be on me, my family and my survival group.

I talked to a guy just two days ago and was surprised that he said words to the effect "that I was thinking about what I would do if everything crapped out. I have plenty of guns, but not alot of food." So I wrote down a couple websites for him to go to and gave him a copy of "Patriots", fact, what brought the conversation up was that he picked up "Patriots" from a chair and asked what this book was about. I'll give him a copy of "One Second After" to read once he returns "Patriots".

Anyway, this is my rant for the day.

Friday, November 19, 2010

Again,...Survival is a Team Sport

It seems that I have been doing nothing but talking to people this week about indicators of a coming collapse, e.g..gas and precious metal prices on the rise; higher prices in commodities, e.g..foods and clothing; terrible national debt and a lame duck congress not understanding the People’s demands to a halt in spending; Glenn Beck on Television telling people to stockpile food and buy gold; and a host of other doom and gloom reports.

It was surprising to discover that most of these people have put some thought into what would they do in a bonafide collapse. In each and every case I tried to get as much of their concept for Surviving a collapse as they would or could tell me. Some have thought about a collapse and not just only how that would suck, but what would they do. Others told me concepts to the effect that “I’ll pack up my family and move”.

Okay, fair enough – packing up and moving. But to where? How will you ensure you will have the vehicle and fuel in order to travel? Where are you doing to go? Is your location really better (safer) for your Survival chances than where you are now? What you going to do for food? For Security?

And with that question,….security,…..brings me to my point that Survival is going to be a team sport. Much more like football than badminton. By yourself and even with a small family, you are only going to simply survive.

I think the purpose for Survival preparation is to be prepared mentally, physically, equipment wise, with material, exploiting technology and planning wise, ....not only to only survive but to have some quality of life. Basically, to replicate a small community, albeit with a different prioritization on concerns.

Best case scenario is that you are able to put together a competent Survival group consisting of well matched members with all on the same sheet of music when it comes to goals and objectives, moral beliefs, maybe even religious beliefs. Of course, if you do this well before the storm you will be much better off.

You will undoubtedly at some point in a collapse survival situation be faced with the decision to integrate (or not) other people, who could be friends, neighbors, family or total strangers. Tough call to make. Even tougher if it is your neighbor who failed to return tools he borrowed. Seriously, what do you do if you are just 2 or three of you and then your brother in law and his wife plus four children wants to hole up with you? What if it the same brother in law who failed to prepare despite repeated conversations from you to him? What if it is your elderly neighbor who is extremely opposite your political spectrum and lets you know if all the time? How about guys from work who you have been talking to for over a year on their need to prepare?

Even though you need a team to survive, and if you don’t believe this then think about all the tasks you will have to do each day not to mention providing security for the group, you will have to be prepared for the inter team squabbles and jealousies, small disputes that if not corrected then and there they could become big disputes that could tear away the glue holding the group together.

This survival group therefore will require a method of governing. From simply a “Boss” to a council type arrangement. Have the rules and concept of operationalizing Survival decided and set ahead of time.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Survival Prep - Water and Reader Comments received an e-mail from a reader concerning his water plan...... Hey UrbanMan, I’m writing to tell you about the latest things I’m doing to prep in case someone else thought it is a good idea.

Water is my biggest concern, because if they shut off the city water, we’ll all be goners in a matter of days unless we have stored water. So I have a water service bring in sealed water containers for my water dispenser. I used to get the five gallon jugs, but recently found out they have 2.5 gallon jugs, with handles. So in case I have to Bug Out I can carry these much more easily and load them into my Toyota Tacoma 4x4. The bottled water is supposed to last at least six months, so I have ten 2.5 gallon jugs on hand. I go through 2 jugs a week, so I always have at least 8 jugs or 20 gallons hand. Each week I get two jugs delivered, so I just put the new ones at the end of the row. I am thinking about expanding my water supply to 6 or 8 more jugs – what do you think?

I have a checklist on the frig for my girlfriend who is kind off into prepping since it got her a new pair of fashionable hiking boots and some 5.11 pants, but the checklist says what to do if there is an emergency. Number 1 on my checklist is to lock the deadbolts on the doors and fill the bathtub with water. BTW, I have been linking survival prep and teaching my girlfriend some things as we watch the new show Walking Dead on TV. Have you seen Walking Dead and what do you think about it?

I figure we can get 50 gallons in the tub, plus the 20 gallons on hand so we could live for about 30-35 days off of this supply.

Another thing I bought was a folding game carrier, like a wheelbarrow but uses a bicycle wheel. This is used by hunters to bring the animals they killed out of the wild. My use will be to use it if and when the situation to go foraging for stuff is okay. I can push or pull 260 lbs on this game carrier and have a sack of bungee cords to lock things down that I “find”.

What do you think about all this and my preps? I like your site. Jeff.

UrbanMan replies: Hey Jeff, thanks for taking the time writing to me. I know who you got my e-mail address from if your city was correct. Anyway, absolutely water is a necessity. You are correct in thinking that about 70 gallons would last 2 people 30 days – if you use it very wisely. You should immediately go to a water-less human waste system, like a bag and a bucket and use minimal water for cleaning as well as for sponge baths – but you could do it. What are you plans if/when you run out of water? You water supply needs to also last for the duration of your Bug Out travel. That travel may have to be done on foot. Hard to carry more than one jug in your hand as yopur other hand needs to carry a rifle. Best case, both hands are free. But I have traveled on foot, overland carrying 5 gallon jugs and it can be done. The good thing is that you can rapidly drop it and run with a much lighter load. Ensure you have smaller Camel Baks and canteens for your Bug Out bags and use water from sources external to your personal kit when on the move.

Good idea having a checklist for emergency tasks on your refrigerator door. The checklist may also include who to call and what your immediate need items from the local store are if you are fortunate enough to make a run.

Space is usually a problem for urban dwellers. I have a buddy who stacks dehydrated food and cases of water, then covers them with a blanket for a coffee table and end tables. My wife would kill me if I did that, but it may be an option for you,…maybe you can bribe your girlfriend with a survival knife or new Bug Out Bag.

The television show, The Walking Dead, is how not to do things. Zombie movies are entertaining, but you would have to substitute human gangs for the zombies to approach what you may see for real. Again, how not to do things,…no stored food, no survival kit or gear, lack of weapons and ammunition. The Survivor base camp on top of hill near a quarry is a bad idea, especially if you cannot defend it. Being close to a water source is generally a good idea, but realize it will attract other people, some of whom may NOT have a high regard for your life.

The folding game carrier seems like a good idea. I like to receive these little Survival Equipment tips from time to time,…always seems like people are thinking. Be safe Jeff.

Monday, November 15, 2010

CBRNE Threat - Blister Agents is continuing on with posts on Survival Threats posed by Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE).

For the record, we don't believe that foreign sponsored or terrorist executed CBRNE attacks on this country would be wide spread, but they would severely degrade the U.S. Government's capabilities for emergency management across the board (maybe that's a good thing?) as well as put local or regional infrastructures down for the count,...possibly a long count. But I do not envision most of us in the Survivalist community have to live through and/or operate in a CBRNE type environment. Least I hope not, but still want to be knowledgeable about the threat.

Blister Agents

A blister agent (also known as a vesicant) is a chemical compound that causes severe skin, eye and mucous membrane pain and (severe) irritation. Blister agents are named for their ability to cause severe chemical burns, resulting in large, painful water blisters on the bodies of those affected. Although these compounds have been employed on occasion for medical purposes, their most common use is as chemical warfare agents.

Most blister agents fall into one of three groups:

Sulfur mustards – A family of sulfur-based agents, including the so-called "mustard gas".

Nitrogen mustards – A family of agents similar to the sulfur mustards, but based on nitrogen instead of sulfur.

Lewisite – An early blister agent that was developed, but not used during World War I. It was effectively rendered obsolete with the development of British anti-Lewisite in the 1940s.

Occasionally, phosgene oxime (heard of phosgene gas?) is included among the blister agents.

Effects of blister agents can be devastating. Exposure to a chemical weaponized blister agents can cause a number of life-threatening symptoms, including:

Severe skin, eye and mucosal (mucous membrane) pain and irritation.

Large fluid filled blisters on the skin that heal slowly and may become infected.

Excessive tearing of the eyes, conjunctivitis (perpetual puss in the eyes), and damage of the cornea(s).

Respiratory distress, from mild to extreme with damage to your airway and lungs.

All blister agents currently known are heavier than air, and are readily absorbed through the eyes, lungs, and skin. Effects of the mustard agents are typically delayed: exposure to vapors becomes evident in 4 to 6 hours, and skin exposure in 2 to 48 hours. The effects of Lewisite are immediate.

Weaponized Chemical Warfare Blister agents, include these:

Blister Ethyldichloroarsine (ED)
Methyldichloroarsine (MD)
Phenyldichloroarsine (PD)
Lewisite (L)
Sulfur mustard gas (HD, H, HT, HL and HQ)
Nitrogen mustard (HN1, HN2, HN3)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Survival Chronicles of Jim - Chapter 20 Buying More Silver

It's been about 10 months since I started my Survival Preparation and honestly several days will go by without me thinking about Survival.....I guess just life gets in the way. I don't know if it the Ostrich syndrome where you bury your head and if you don't see it, then it isn't real.......or me just hoping for the best. Then I realized that I really am not planning for a worse case scenario. I did get some caches emplaced close to my family's cabin but to tell you the truth, I have a hard time spending the money that UrbanMan urges me to spend to get prepared.

But, I have been buying more groceries and ensuring they I have about a two month supply in my pantry and I do have some long term storage food. But I don't think I'll ever get to the recommended 12 months of stored, long term food.

But some things are changing now that things are happening that are, frankly, scaring me: the Fed printing more money; inflation and probably hyper-inflation to hit; gas prices on the rise (19 cents higher since last week where I live); and the noticeable increase in staples at the grocery store have got me concerned. UrbanMan is telling me to ensure I buy enough ammunition and if I want an AR type rifle I better get it now, as the prices will most surely rise but my pay check won't.

The least dangerous thing for me to do is to purchase more Silver. I found this Silver site and asked UrbanMan to post it so those of you who cannot get to a Silver Market or save enough for a order and shipment can actually buy Silver through debits as low as $50 a month, or $25 a week.

The deal is you have your account or card debited for a certain amount on a automatic period, say every week, twice a month or just monthly. The money goes to this company (Silver Saver) who buys the Silver until you reach a minimum amount, in this case 20 ounces, then you can elect to have them ship it to you - this is what I am doing.

Watch the video below and you'' understand it better and maybe see a greater need to have some silver on hand.

If you are interested in learning more than go to Silver Saver.

Friday, November 12, 2010

The Dollar Meltdown and the Looming Financial Crisis

Yesterday I had a conversation with several people who just did not understand what inflation and the devaluation of the dollar on the world stage meant to them and their stability and survival. I told them I would get some short pieces of information together, but in the mean time to take a few moments and consider what sky rocketing prices of commodities means to them and their families.

Imagine all manner of foods we take for granted to be on store shelves not only costing hundreds of percent more, but becoming scarce. What are the tens of millions, if not over a hundred million, people who live hand to mouth going to do when they can no longer even afford simple foods?

When the Fed announced they were monetizing the debt and printing more money to buy government debt, I immediately ordered two more cases of long term storage food and finally bought the backup .308 rifle that I have been wanting.

On my immediate list (buy this week) are additional boots for my family. What are your plans?

For those of you really into the "why's" and "what for's" of the coming collapse of the dollar, you may find these books valuable.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Terrorist or Conventional Attack Threat has long thought that the most likely catalyst to a survival situation would be economic or social collapse, either through a dynamic event or a gradual degradation. However we can't discount the possibility of a terrorist or Foreign State sponsored attack such as described in the books "One Second After" or "Lights Out".

One of the newest delivery systems for nuclear, conventional, biological or chemical weapons is cruise missile launchers disguised as common MILVAN or Sea Shipping Containers which can be loaded onto commercial ships and sailed into a sea port then launched onto American cities.

Of course, terrorists can just load a ship full of explosives, radiological material (dirty bomb) or a pre-fab nuclear device then detonate it in a port, but missiles give a much longer range to reach into the interior of the country.

The bad thing is there is a Russian weapons company marketing a new missile system that is hidden inside an ordinary shipping container. It can turn a ship, train or truck into a long range missile launcher. Won't be long before all the crazies of this world have this capability as well.

The promotional video for the Club K Missile system is part of the marketing campaign by a private, Russian-based weapons manufacturer. The cruise missile system is hidden in a 40-foot shipping container. It can fire four long range satellite-guided missiles from a ship, train or tractor-trailer.

The Club K is being marketed at international weapons shows as a military weapon. In the hands of a terrorist group the container could easily be smuggled into the United States. It is so new most international security experts have never heard of it.

"To look at an entire weapons system that can be put on a cargo ship and deployed is frightening," said Brent Brown an international security consultant, "It is a pretty devastating piece of technology that could have all kinds of collateral damage."

The Port of Savannah is the fourth largest in the nation; moving over three million containers a year. A Club K Missile system fired from a container at the Port of Savannah could easily reach Atlanta 250 miles away.

Customs and Border protection are responsible for port security. Farmer asked the Directors of Customs and Border Protections if he was aware of the weapons. Director John Porter replied, "I am now."

Just how does the Federal government check millions of containers? Customs says that they carefully monitor the paperwork of every container. They said that it is largely done at the port of origin overseas. They admit, while they have the latest in x-ray technology, it is simply not realistic to scan all cargo.

Thousands of containers are off loaded from ships like this one but just a fraction go through machines.

"If you are not checking 100% that it is a hole in the system," said Brown.

Every truck is check for radiation as it leaves the Savannah port, but the Club K Missile can be either nuclear or hold conventional explosives that would not' trip these detectors. Savannah authorities told us they believe the Club K would not' make it through either way.

"Our systems in place would detect such an anomaly," said Porter.

"It is extremely troubling, it's extremely troubling," said retired general now defense industry consultant David Poythress. Poythress added that the military has quietly been working on technology to defend against a Club K cruise missile-type system.

"It's a huge threat. A cruise missile launch from a vessel, off-shore against an urban population," said Poythress.

Janes Defense Weekly estimates the price tag on the Club K Missile is between $10-20 million. The Russian company that makes the weapon has refused interviews. They have issued statements saying the Club-K is not being marketed to terrorists and is meant for use on military ships. The company also claims to have nations in Latin America and the Asia pacific region interested in weapon.

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

CBRNE Threat - Blood Agents

This is another post in a continuing series on Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) Threats.

A blood agent is a chemical agent, very toxic to the body, that gets into the blood stream through breathing (inhalation or swallowing (ingestion). They are very fast-acting, lethal poisons (in the proper amount) that can be a gas with a very light smell.

The military chemical blood agent are used as aerosols and as such become effective through breathing in the poison. They are much more effective in confined areas rather than large open areas where the previaling winds and effect or disapte their lethality.

Blood agents are usually Cyanide based compounds that occur in small amounts in the natural environment and in cigarette smoke. They are also prevalent in pesticides and some manufacturing. Cyanide gas is often the cause of death in fires as it is given off when certain materials burn such some plastics and other comon household material such as drapes.

The symptoms that appear from blood agent poisoning depend on the level of concentration and duration of exposure.

Cyanide-based blood agents irritate the eyes and the respiratory tract, while the other less common blood agent, Arsine, is basically non-irritating. The Hydrogen cyanide version has a very faint, bitter, almond type smell. Arsine has a very light garlic like odor that is only detectable at very high levels with wold be lethal.

Exposure to small amounts of cyanide has no effect - remember the cigarette smoke - except for long term exposure and then only linked to degenerative diseaes like cancers. Higher short term exposures at higher concentrations cause dizziness, weakness and possibly nausea, which usually cease when removed from the area.

Long duration - long term exposure can cause permanent brain damage and muscle paralysis. Moderate exposure causes stronger and longer-lasting symptoms, including headaches, sometimes followed by seizures, convulsions then death. Very heavy concentrations will cause severe lethal effects within seconds.

One way to tell if blood agent poisoning has occured on dead people is that their blood will appear very bright.

Cyanide poisoning can be detected by the smell of bitter almonds, or respiratory tract inflammation in the case of cyanogen chloride poisoning although it will be hard in a survival situation to determine this. There is really no way outside of a laboratory to determine arsine gas poisoning, but it may leave a garlic smell on the victim's breath.

At sufficient levels of concentration, blood agents can quickly infuse the blood and cause death in a matter of minutes or seconds. They cause powerful gasping for breath, as the agent denies the body the use of oxygen in the blood. Violent seizure type convulsions and a painful death that can take several minutes. The immediate cause of death is usually respiratory failure.

Detection methods for Chemical agents do exist for hydrogen cyanide in the form of test strips, like the military M8 type paper. Ordinary clothing, particular vinyl rain suits, gloves and protective masks provides some protection, but military grade protective over garments would be recommended. Mask filters containing only charcoal are ineffective, and effective filters are quickly clogged.

Due to their high volatility, cyanide agents generally need no decontamination. In enclosed areas, fire extinguishers spraying sodium carbonate can decontaminate hydrogen cyanide, but the resulting metal salts remain poisonous on contact. Liquid hydrogen cyanide can be flushed with water.

There are some antidotes for Cyanide poisoning but these are mostly beyond the grasp of Urban Survivalists.

Carbon monoxide could technically be called a blood agent because it inhibits the use of oxygen in the blood by contracting with the with the oxygen-carrying hemoglobin.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Survival Planning - No More Excuses received a private message from a reader: "In response to your post from the National Inflation Association, a great article from NIA by the way, on the probability of hyperinflation coming to call on us soon, I ordered 7 silver rounds from Northwest Territorial Mint today. I also set up an automated investment plan for Silver purchases through SilverSaver. I set it at $100 a month. After 20 ounces are accumulated, they can be delivered. I wish I didn't wait so long from when I first thought about buying Silver as a Survival insurance plan until now, the price has increase from around $17 an ounce to $25.

UrbanMan replies: Good call on your part - not the waiting, but the purchase now and not waiting anymore. I hear quite a few arguments about it's too late to prepare,....we won't be able to do anything anyway,.....don't you think the government knows what is going on and is planning for it?,.....

No, it is not too late to prepare. Anything you can do today to prepare,...well, do it. You'll be much better off, even if you just put more groceries in the pantry. But if you are even a little more serious about you and your families survival, then this site and others (see the links bottom right) will help you. Figure out what you need, always comes down to food, water and protection and a safe (or safer) place to Bug Out to when your current location is not tenable.

You won't be able to do anything about it anyway?? Are you kidding me? Or are you just from the age of entitlement? You are responsible for yourself, not the government, and there is so much you can do "about it" and the "it" is a collapse,.....economic, social, panademic, whatever,.....start planning and preparing now and remember Survival is a team sport, unless you want to live in a dugout in the Mountains and living off fern plants.

As far as the government planning for it? That deserves another "Are you kidding me"? Do you trust the government to take care of you? The only way the government can take care of you,.e.g..expending resources like food, water, shelter and security, to control you. The only way to control you is through martial law and/or camps. And no, I'm not a conspiracy theorist, I just know what is possible and what is not. If you think the government is going to subsidize food and water on local bi-weekly runs through your neighborhood, then I would ask you not to read this site anymore,...go join ACORN or and hope they take care of you.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Survival Planning - Inflation Likely to Drive Food Prices Way Up

Most of you are already keeping track of the soaring prices of Gold and Silver, of course caused by the Fed's decision to print more money to buy U.S. Debt that nobody else will buy,...not even China who already holds massive amount of U.S. Debt.

The following is a article from the National Inflation Association that projects a large increase in U.S. food prices. And of course, Food, gold, silver won;t be the only things increasing,...fuel, commodities,...EVERYTHING will go up except your salary to keep pace. This my friends will also create shortages, increase the have not and have separation and likely set the stage for a economical collapse.

The NIA Article of 5 Nov 2010:

The National Inflation Association today announced the release of its report about NIA's projections of future U.S. food price increases due to the massive monetary inflation being created by the Federal Reserve's $600 billion quantitative easing. This report was written by NIA's President Gerard Adams, who believes food inflation will take over in 2011 as America's greatest crisis. According to Mr. Adams, making mortgage payments will soon be the last thing on the minds of all Americans. We currently have a currency crisis that could soon turn into hyperinflation and a complete societal collapse.

"For every economic problem the U.S. government tries to solve, it always creates two or three much larger catastrophes in the process," said Adams. "Just like we predicted this past December, the U.S. dollar index bounced in early 2010 and has been in free-fall ever since. Bernanke's QE2 will likely accelerate this free-fall into a complete U.S. dollar rout," warned Adams.

NIA projects that at the average U.S. grocery store it will soon cost $11.43 for one ear of corn, $23.05 for a 24 oz loaf of wheat bread, $62.21 for a 32 oz package of Domino Granulated Sugar, $24.31 for a 32 fl oz container of soy milk, $77.71 for a 11.30 oz container of Folgers Classic Roast Coffee, $45.71 for a 64 fl oz container of Minute Maid Orange Juice, and $15.50 for a Hershey's Milk Chocolate 1.55 oz candy bar. NIA also projects that by the end of this decade, a plain white men's cotton t-shirt at Wal-Mart will cost $55.57.

The report highlights how despite cotton rising by 54%, corn rising by 29%, soybeans rising by 22%, orange juice rising by 17%, and sugar rising by 51% during the months of September and October alone, these huge commodity price increases have yet to make their way into America's grocery stores because corporations have been reluctant to pass these price increases along to the consumer. In today's dismal economy, no retailer wants to be the first to dramatically raise food prices. However, NIA expects all retailers to soon substantially raise food prices at the same time, which will ensure that this Holiday shopping season will be the worst in recorded American history.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Urban Survival Planning – Politics and Elections and What Does it Mean to Survival Planning?

Maybe some of you are like me, trying to makes heads or tails of the results of the mid term elections and how they apply to the possibility of an economic collapse or other catastrophic event and the planning/preparation for surviving. received a comment from Don Wand,..”It is not business as usual! Look around people! Sanity is an illusion, the world is falling apart at the seams physically and spiritually! We all need our house in order! We need survival gear now, not when our dollar is worthless! We all will need food and water! Get 15 Year Shelf Life Food Now!

Obviously Don Wand thinks there is no time to waste…..Frankly, neither do I.

It is interesting to see people’s comments on What will cause us to slide into a Survival situation and Whenthat may occur.

Discounting the 2012 Mayan Calendar-Collapse of Mankind Speculators, there are many valid political, social and economic indicators that may or will foretell a collapse or the beginning of a collapse. I think it is important for all individuals and groups planning for a future Survival scenario to understand that if and when a collapse hits and when it becomes time to fully execute Survival plans, all the experts are not going to be there with you.

So what does this mean? Maybe I’m thinking that while you should use the “experts” to help develop indicator criteria and keep the “experts” and their information close at hand and under constant review, each of us has to be individual responsible for what we do and don’t do for survival preparation and execution when necessary.

When I started writing this post, I had a thought centered around the concept that while most people believe that the economic outlook for this country, after yesterday’s election, would appear to be rising – this may not be the case. Many policies and a base direction were set the last two years that combined with gridlock in the Capital may just set the stage for something we cannot recover from.

If citizens of this country think that the last couple of years were rough, I hate to think what they would think if things got really rough,….Greece or Argentina like rough. I just believe, or maybe it’s just a sense of dread, that either any efforts won’t be enough to avoid a near future economic collapse or that no efforts will be made to forestall a collapse.

And my ideas on a collapse are not necessarily a dynamic collapse where you wake up one morning with banks closed, grocery stores empty and fuel scarce,…..I think that a much more likely scenario is a gradual economic collapse that spawns a much larger “have not” or even homeless segment of the population, sporadic regional based anarchy, flailing attempts by the government to control the situation and the population including implementation of martial law, and a general day to today fight for the commodities that we take for granted today.

Nothing has really changed, only a greater need to be prepared.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Urban Handgun - Reader Comments and Replies received a comment on the response to reader question on Urban Handguns......... "Anonymous said,.... It's pretty hard to argue with your idea to standardize on a gun model and ammo, but here is another thought to consider. If the group all has Glock 9mm what do you do (after TSHTF) when you are low on ammo but all you can find for sale/barter is 38 cal? Why not do as you suggest picking the most popular/available ammo for each type weapon (handgun, shotgun, rifle) and then have a backup plan where 2 or 3 different weapons are kept so you can make use of "found" ammo down the road. So everyone gets a glock 17 as the primary handgun and the group picks up a couple .357 & .44 revolvers, a Army .45 a couple of 10 mm etc. My favorite caliber is 22 LR. A cheap way to bring meat to the table and deadly at close range.

UrbanMan's reply: I agree with your idea where you have several firearms of different calibers, .........this describes me and my firearms battery, although I have centered my main battery around .223 Remington in AR platforms and 9mm Glocks. I still have many firearms in different calibers, just in case. There will be some people who argue that if you prepared enough, you do not need to have a slew of additional firearms just to use ammunition they barter for or find.

I was reading into the reader question and believed that this "white collar" new survival group (as they describes themselves) was not to keen or committed to the idea of a well rounded survival battery of firearms. It almost seems distasteful for them to arm themselves, but the reader did ask if standardization was the right thing to do.

Funny thing that he did not ask for a recommendation of type of handgun. If a Survival group decided to arm themselves with only handguns, then I think one choice at the top of their list should be a high capacity 9mm semi-automatic like the Smith and Wesson Military and Police with or the Glock 17/19......and if they are going to limit their survival firearms battery to a handgun, then lots of magazines and plenty of ammunition is in order. I would try to talk them into a couple .22 LR handguns like you say,...especially if they have people in their Survival group and are not going to take weapons training seriously or maybe are physically unable to handle a center fire handgun.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Urban Survival - CBRNE Threat: VX Nerve Agent

I see alot of back and forth on the internet assessing the probability of Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear and Explosive (CBRNE) events being the catalyst for a collapse. I assess this is less likely than either a gradual or dynamic economic collapse, but still possible. possess very basic knowledge in this area and feels that Urban Survivalists can take some steps to protect against some of the likely agents, be it military grade weapons or some type of commercial contaminant, however the required technology, equipment, and expertise to be exceptional prepared and protected is far outside the scope of most Survivalists.

It is always prudent to have Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) such as protective (gas) masks, extra filters, protective suits, gloves, and decontamination material, such as bleach on hand. The ability to seal the air input into your home or residence may be crucial as well.

Over the next few weeks and months, we will post some information on CBRNE Threats, particularly chemical and biological threats.

VX Nerve Agent

First symptoms of exposure (skin contact) may be muscular twitching or sweating at the area of exposure followed by nausea or vomiting. Some of the early symptoms of a VX vapor exposure a runny nose, tightness in the chest with shortness of breath, and pinpoint pupils.

Treatment would include first removal of the liquid agent from the skin before moving the person out of the contaminated area. Begin decontamination by washing the contaminated areas with household bleach and flushing with clean water. After decontamination, the contaminated clothing is removed and skin contamination washed away.

An individual who has received a known nerve-agent exposure or who exhibits definite signs or symptoms of nerve-agent exposure should immediately have the nerve agent antidote drugs atropine, pralidoxime (2-PAM), and diazepam injected. In several nations the nerve agent antidotes are issued for military personnel in the form of an auto-injector such as the United States military Mark I auto-injector.

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Largest Financial Crisis in History is Looming

Previously unknown to is the The National Inflation Association (NIA) which is an organization that states they are dedicated to preparing Americans for hyperinflation and helping Americans not only survive, but prosper in the upcoming hyper-inflationary crisis.

NIA believes the largest financial crisis in history is ahead of us as a direct result of the U.S. government unwilling to accept a much needed recession. We are now at a point where our national debt is impossible to pay off. Due to rising interest payments on our national debt, it is unlikely the U.S. will be able to balance its budget ever again. Foreigners will eventually stop lending the U.S. money and the Federal Reserve will most likely have to print the money to fund our deficit spending out of thin air.

Article and Movie Trailer from the National Inflation Association

Inflation to Make All Americans Billionaires By 2020

One of the Federal Reserve's original stated purposes was to manage the nation's money supply through monetary policy that provides for stable prices without inflation or deflation. Shocking just about the whole world except for NIA members, the Federal Reserve this past week shifted its purpose from being an inflation fighter to now being an inflation advocate. Charles Evans, President of the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago, is now saying that inflation in the U.S. is too low and the Federal Reserve needs to publicly declare a new goal of having inflation that is much higher than its informal 2% target. William Dudley, President of the New York Federal Reserve, is calling current low levels of U.S. inflation "a problem" because "it means slower nominal income growth".

Dudley believes "slower nominal income growth" is unacceptable because it "means that less of the needed adjustment in household debt-to-income ratios will come from rising incomes. This puts more of the adjustment burden on paying down debt." In other words, he wants to monetize our debts by printing so much money that all Americans are earning enough income to pay back their debts. NIA fears that one of the unintended consequences of such a policy will be an insurmountable currency crisis; this will lead to a U.S. societal collapse with class warfare, millions of Americans starving to death, and a return to a barter based system that will last until we can come up with a new form of workable government based on sound money that is backed by gold and silver.

When our government creates inflation with the goal of generating higher incomes, the real incomes of Americans always decline dramatically. Inflation never creates wealth, but instead mis-allocates resources that would have went towards productive purposes if the free market was allowed to operate. During periods of high inflation, no matter how fast incomes rise nominally, they never keep pace with rising gold prices. (Try to picture Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe trying to keep pace in a race against Olympic gold medalist Usain Bolt.)

Back in 1970, the median family income in the U.S. was $9,870. During the next decade, the U.S. government created unprecedented amounts of inflation, which led to the median family income rising in 1980 to $21,020 for a gain of 113%. Gold was only $35 per ounce in 1970, but rose to a high in 1980 of $850 per ounce for a gain of 2,329%. One year of income in 1970 would have bought 282 ounces of gold, but one year of income in 1980 would have only bought 25 ounces of gold. Priced in gold, families saw their real incomes decline during the 1970s by 91%.

On July 19th of this year, with everybody in the mainstream media warning Americans about the threat of deflation, NIA predicted that the Federal Reserve was, "quietly getting ready to implement 'The Mother of All Quantitative Easing'". NIA said that, "come this October, Bernanke is likely to shoot up his largest ever dose of quantitative easing." Then on July 28th with gold down to $1,158 per ounce and silver down to $17.63 per ounce, NIA sent out an alert entitled, "Gold and Silver Capitulation is Near" in which we said, "The sentiment on gold and silver has abruptly changed to the negative like nothing we have ever seen before and to us this means the big move to the upside is right around the corner."

NIA called the bottom on gold and silver perfectly. Since July 28th, gold and silver have both risen 34 out of 49 days, with gold rising by 16% and silver rising by 30%. Many people are asking us when precious metals are going to dip. Although gold and silver will make many dips in the years to come, NIA is never going to make an attempt to predict these short-term, temporary dips. It is far too risky and dangerous to sell gold and silver with the hope of buying back on a dip. Those who actively trade gold and silver, usually go long the U.S. dollar while they are waiting for a dip. There will come a time when the U.S. dollar crashes, with gold rising hundreds or even thousands of dollars in a day, and silver potentially doubling or tripling in value in a day. Trust us, you do not want to be on the wrong side of the trade on that day. NIA is focused on the long-term risk of hyperinflation and is not concerned about short-term volatility.

NIA believes that if the Federal Reserve doesn't reverse course immediately, we are on a direct path to all Americans becoming billionaires by the year 2020, if not much sooner. Being a billionaire in dollars won't mean anything. The wealth of Americans later this decade will be calculated based on how much gold and silver they own. We are at the beginning stages of a massive worldwide rush out of the U.S. dollar and into gold and silver.

Gold, at a new all time high of $1,344 per ounce, is still very undervalued. If gold's total bull run from its 2001 low of $256 per ounce equals a percentage gain of 2,329% (just like the 1970s) we will see a gold price of $6,218 per ounce. Silver, at a new 30-year high of $23 per ounce, is still an absolute steal. Just like NIA predicted, the gold/silver ratio has declined in recent months from 70 down to 58, but is still well above the historical average of 16. In our opinion, because silver has been undervalued for so long with artificially high gold/silver ratios, once JP Morgan is forced to cover their naked short position in silver we could see the ratio decline to an artificially low level as low as 8. Therefore, if we see $6,218 per ounce gold, we wouldn't be surprised to also see $777.25 per ounce silver.

Dudley's solution to our current economic crisis is to "find ways to increase the amount of stimulus we currently provide via our balance sheet." This is pure insanity. Bush's $200 billion stimulus sent oil prices to $147 per barrel, Obama's $800 billion stimulus prevented massive price deflation (that would have made cost of living in America a lot more affordable) during a period of rapidly rising unemployment, and now the Federal Reserve believes even greater stimulus will fix our economy. Dudley is calling for the Federal Reserve to purchase $500 billion in bonds, but the Federal Reserve's real quantitative easing will be much greater. Dudley doesn't want to steal the show from Bernanke. He must allow Bernanke to be the one who first suggests the "genius" idea of having quantitative easing of $1 trillion or more.

The truth is, the exact amount of the Federal Reserve's short-term purchases is absolutely meaningless. Keep your eyes on the big picture and remember that if the Federal Reserve's treasury purchases aren't enough to create massive price inflation in the short-term, they will continue to unleash even larger doses of quantitative easing. Our gut feeling is that we are practically at the point where the U.S. economy is about to overdose on any further quantitative easing. A "Meltup" is currently taking place, exactly like NIA predicted in our documentary 'Meltup' that was released on May 13th (it has now been viewed by over 808,000 people).

We may be forced to soon change our hyperinflation forecast from the years 2014-2015 to as soon as the year 2012. NIA has long been predicting ever since its first documentary 'Hyperinflation Nation' that besides gold and silver, we would see inflation most in agricultural commodities. During the month of September alone we saw huge gains in agricultural commodities like soybeans +9.5%, rice +10%, corn +12%, orange juice +13%, cotton +17.5%, and sugar +19.3%.

All countries are now in a war with each other to have the weakest currency, with the false belief that having a strong currency destroys their export markets. When history looks back to the time period we are currently in, our world leaders (especially our elected representatives in Washington) will be considered the most incompetent and corrupt in world history. NIA's new documentary being released later this month will expose the U.S. societal collapse from a perspective that has never been addressed before by anybody in the media. NIA's co-founders are currently on their way to Kingston, NY, to interview Gerald Celente, the most accurate trends forecaster of all time. His interview in 'Meltup' was widely considered to be the most insightful and eye-opening economic interview to ever be a part of any documentary and his interview in our new documentary promises to be even better.

Friday, October 29, 2010

Urban Survival Firearms - Urban Handgun received the following question concerning Urban Firearms and handguns in particular: I am in a Survival Group of eleven people, 5 couples and one individual. We are all in white collar professions. Our group objective is to mutually support each other, either from different location if possible, or to band together at one of the group’s house. Four of us live in condos, three in apartments and two in stand alone houses. We have discussed how we can complement each other and have developed a “buy” list, limited to what each vehicle will hold.

We are concentrating on stocking food, mainly dry staples, mainly packaged dry meals and some canned goods. One of our couples does some shotgun shooting, but for the most part we don’t have any firearms. It is unrealistic to expect that each of us will buy a military rifle. We have talked about all of us buying handguns for protection, thinking that handguns for all and the couple shoguns we’ll have available should be good enough. Herein lies my questions: Should we try and standardize on one handgun? Or is it just sufficient for everyone to own a handgun regardless of being all the same. We are having a get together prior to Thanksgiving and I would like to broach this subject with the group. Thank you”.

UrbanMan’s response: It sounds like you are taking the lead to get a Survival Group organized. I commend you for that. This may become a dripping process, where you incrementally push the group towards prudent survival preparation.

I'll answer your question about standardizing your survival group’s handguns first. Yes, it would be prudent for all members of your survival group to possess the same handgun. Ammunition compatibility and the ability to interchange magazines (if it is a semi-automatic pistol as opposed to a revolver) is another advantage. The time needed to familiarize and train members on different handguns is also reduced. Having said that, the first rule of a gun fight is to have a gun. Therefore if survival group members already have a handgun, I would not think that buying new handguns to ensure standardization would not, repeat, would not be your first priority.

The second rule is not to bring a handgun to a rifle fight. You mentioned a couple survival group members having shotguns. You did not mention having any rifles. Handguns are a poor substitute for long guns and designed primarily as a secondary or defensive weapon. Shorter barrels, shorter sight radius’ and smaller cartridges at less velocity all make them ineffective at longer ranges. If you think that handguns will be sufficient because of the shorter engagement ranges of your present and planned urban survival environment then you are missing several points on long guns.

Having a long gun, meaning a rifle or carbine, shooting more powerful cartridges than a handgun allows you not only longer engagement ranges, but the ability to punch through soft cover like wooden walls, car doors, etc. Magazine fed long guns such as AR type rifles,.e.g..M16, AR15, M4, etc. provide detachable magazines with high capacities which would serve you and your survival group well if attacked by larger groups of bandits or mobs.

Long guns would also you to hunt and procure larger game animals. Maybe even the presence of a larger survival group equipped with long guns would make you appear to be a harder target and therefore may be a deterrent to being attacked. So when you say “It is unrealistic to expect that each of us will buy a military rifle”, you may want to consider at least a couple military type long guns within your group.

I hope you are “cross loading” you supplies and material, so that if one couple in your group does not make it to one of the houses if/when you re-locate and consolidate, then you won’t be missing key components of your urban survival equipment.

I also hope you are planning a Bug Out to a safe location outside of the urban environment for if/when that situation comes about and the need to leave develops. I hope I answered your question well enough. I did not list or otherwise suggest a standard handgun, as I think long guns are more important.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Urban Survival Equipment - Merrell Boots received a comment on the Reader's suggestions for Survival Equipment: "Anonymous said...The Merrell Boots are great! I own a pair of the Sawtooths for the woods and I wear the Merrell World Guides during the day when working. I also have a pair of Danners, but never wear them anymore because the Merrell's hold up very well and are comfortable."

UrbanMan replies: Roger on your like of Merrell Boots. The Sawtooths have been replaced, by some, with several waterproof versions, but are still excellent boots. I also find them more comfortable than my Danners and other military style boots plus they don't scream military or police. This makes wearing 5.11 tactical pants alittle less eye catching.

Merrell makes a slew of different styles, suitable for many different Survival applications,....cold environs and wetlands as well.

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Corruption as a Economic Collapse Precursor

A friend of mine sent me this Reuters article about Corruption getting worse and worse in the United States. We have all thought about this at one time or another,...hard not to when you read about Legislators voting things for themselves and at the same time burdening the People with tax increases or regulatory mandates. I submit to the readers that the last thing a government does before it collapses it to loot the treasury. Not only does this push us towards economic collapse with the waste and abuse, but could help set the stage for anarchy when the population gets mad enough.

U.S. Slips to Historic Low in Global Corruption Index

By Dave Graham

BERLIN (Reuters) - The United States has dropped out of the "top 20" in a global league table of least corrupt nations, tarnished by financial scandals and the influence of money in politics, Transparency International said on Tuesday.

Somalia was judged the most corrupt country, followed by Myanmar and Afghanistan at joint second-worst and then by Iraq , in the Berlin-based watchdog TI's annual corruption perceptions index (CPI).

The United States fell to 22nd from 19th last year, with its CPI score dropping to 7.1 from 7.5 in the 178-nation index, which is based on independent surveys on corruption.

This was the lowest score awarded to the United States in the index's 15-year history and also the first time it had fallen out of the top 20.

In the Americas , this put the United States behind Canada in sixth place, Barbados at 17th and Chile in 21st place.

Jointly heading the index -- in which a score of 10 indicates a country with the highest standards, and 0 as highly corrupt -- were Denmark , New Zealand and Singapore with 9.3. They were also at the top of the table last year.

Somalia scored 1.1. The watchdog group said its table was based on "different assessments and business opinion surveys carried out by independent and reputable institutions."


Nancy Boswell, president of TI in the United States , said lending practices in the subprime crisis, the disclosure of Bernard Madoff's Ponzi scheme and rows over political funding had all rattled public faith about prevailing ethics in America .

"We're not talking about corruption in the sense of breaking the law," she said. "We're talking about a sense that the system is corrupted by these practices. There's an integrity deficit."

Various financial scandals at state and city level had encouraged the impression that the regulatory oversight was weak and that influence could be bought, she added.

The index showed a number of countries -- including Iran -- climbing up the chart significantly from 2009, though TI said this could often be ascribed to the fact that different surveys were being used that offered no direct comparison to last year.

The fact that nearly three quarters of the countries scored 5.0 or less showed corruption was still a major global problem, said Robin Hodess, director of policy and research at TI.

However, the watchdog identified Bhutan , Chile , Ecuador , Macedonia , Gambia , Haiti , Jamaica , Kuwait , and Qatar as states where improvement had been made over the past year.

By contrast, it highlighted the Czech Republic , Greece , Hungary , Italy , Madagascar , Niger and the United States as nations where perceptions had deteriorated.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Urban Survival Gear and Equipment - Reader's Suggestions received this PM on facebook: "Hey Urban Man, just wanted to drop you a note and tell you my latest acquisitions to augment my already well equipped Bug Out plan."

"I'm at the point right now that that I can slow down on my survival purchasing, so (as) I meander through the internet and Survival blogs, I pickup tips on new gear that people think they will find useful. I have over 12 months of stored long term food (long term) not counting a pantry which I could live probably two months on. I have all the guns and ammunition that I'll need. I have plenty of camping supplies such as sleeping bags, cooking equipment and things like that."

"I recently bought the following nice to have Survival items and thought you may want to comment on them:"

A Propane Tank Gauge. In case I come across abandoned propane tanks, so am offered some in barter, I can determine how much fuel is left in it. This gauge takes up a very small amount of room in a pack or my Bug Out Bag.

A Wireless Driveway Sensor. Uses a "C" battery for the sensor and 9 volt battery for the receiver and is good for 400 yards. Not only can I use this to cover an area to alert against intruders, it's portable so I can include this at my base I have.

A Truck Tent. My Bug Out Of Town Plan is shared by two of my friends. We all have pickup trucks available. I bought this truck tent, that fits into the bed of the truck, so we can set up sleeping accommodations at temporary sites and still be really mobile if we have to. I figure we'll never have more than a couple people sleeping due to having to post some guards, that's why I only bought one.

Merrel Moab Mids hiking boots. These are great boots! I traded my camouflaged uniform for some solid color pants upon your suggestions months ago. So these boots do not look like military or cop footwear and are really great hiking and climbing boots.

Portable Air Compressor. This uses a 12v battery like those cordless drills. I can recharge the battery through my vehicle or a wall socket. We'll also be taking pedal bicycles so we can use this to repair or air up bike tires.

Sheeps skin lined booties. It gets COLD where I am going. I wanted something that I can wear when sleeping but still able to get up and run or fight or whatever. Also I think they would come in handy for people sitting at a fixed site providing security for the rest of us.

When I first starting preparing. Some of my friends called me "Kanik the Wanderer" because I was buying all this camping and hiking stuff. Two of these friends are now in my survival planning group, but they still call me Kanik the Wanderer.

UrbanMan replies: Dear Kanik,....all great ideas. Never thought about a Propane Gauge, now I'm going to get one. I think any wireless, battery operated early warning devices are a good addition to your kit as well, especially if it is mobile enough to take with you during a hasty Bug Out. Thanks for the ideas.

Saturday, October 23, 2010

Urban Survival - New Information on the Mayan Calendar

This article was written by Stephanie Pappas, a LiveScience Senior Writer from and it came out on the web 19 October 2012.

End of the Earth Postponed.

It's a good news/bad news situation for believers in the 2012 Mayan apocalypse. The good news is that the Mayan "Long Count" calendar may not end on Dec. 21, 2012 (and, by extension, the world may not end along with it). The bad news for prophecy believers? If the calendar doesn't end in December 2012, no one knows when it actually will - or if it has already.

A new critique, published as a chapter in the new textbook "Calendars and Years II: Astronomy and Time in the Ancient and Medieval World" (Oxbow Books, 2010), argues that the accepted conversions of dates from Mayan to the modern calendar may be off by as much as 50 or 100 years. That would throw the supposed and overhyped 2012 apocalypse off by decades and cast into doubt the dates of historical Mayan events. (The doomsday worries are based on the fact that the Mayan calendar ends in 2012, much as our year ends on Dec. 31.)

The Mayan calendar was converted to today's Gregorian calendar using a calculation called the GMT constant, named for the last initials of three early Mayanist researchers. Much of the work emphasized dates recovered from colonial documents that were written in the Mayan language in the Latin alphabet, according to the chapter's author, Gerardo Aldana, University of California , Santa Barbara professor of Chicana and Chicano Studies.

Later, the GMT constant was bolstered by American linguist and anthropologist Floyd Lounsbury, who used data in the Dresden Codex Venus Table, a Mayan calendar and almanac that charts dates relative to the movements of Venus. "He took the position that his work removed the last obstacle to fully accepting the GMT constant," Aldana said in a statement. "Others took his work even further, suggesting that he had proven the GMT constant to be correct."

But according to Aldana, Lounsbury's evidence is far from irrefutable. "If the Venus Table cannot be used to prove the FMT as Lounsbury suggests, its acceptance depends on the reliability of the corroborating data," he said. That historical data, he said, is less reliable than the Table itself, causing the argument for the GMT constant to fall "like a stack of cards." Aldana doesn't have any answers as to what the correct calendar conversion might be, preferring to focus on why the current interpretation may be wrong. Looks like end-of-the-world theorists may need to find another ancient calendar on which to pin their apocalyptic hopes.

Now I just know some of you are saying “Darn!”. While others are saying “Now that I have don’t have that timeline, I have more time to prepare”,…….maybe,…maybe not.

Thursday, October 21, 2010

More Back and Forth on Societal - Economic Collapse

We continue the back and forth with the Anonymous Reader who commented again on the Societal Collapse post:

I mostly agree with you about cities (big cities), but I do think if the crisis is "only" an economic collapse that we won't lose fire & law enforcement, hospitals, grocery stores, etc. So while Los Angeles or NY City might be dramatically more dangerous I do not think most cities, especially the smaller ones will be. However if we are talking about something far worse then all bets are off.

UrbanMan: I think an economic collapse can be gradual, like a slow sink into an economic depression with an alike gradual scarcity of foodstuffs and other commodities – and this would be the best case for survival, especially for people unprepared as the gradual slope from bad to worse would allow them some time to prepare….not the best case scenario, but one that would give the unprepared the best chance. I also think there is the chance of a dynamic economic collapse that would be devastating for the people caught unprepared. Be it from an dedicated EMP attack or EMP after effects from a nuclear attack; or a computer generated attack against cyber banking and financial systems. The threat to urban dwellers survival and security is linked to how quick the food supply dwindles and how long utilities stay on. Once water and electric are compromised, life in the urban areas will be as well, and an exodus to places perceived to be better off will transpire. I have seen some of these mass migration models and they are not pretty. I would suggest the Urban Survivalist as well as the rural based Survivalist conduct their own mass migration studies based on avenues of approach and likely destinations out of major population centers in order to better situate themselves at their safe locations.

I totally agree that another great depression will have worse consequences with our larger mostly urban population. I think it will be especially difficult for those on welfare because we would have to assume that a lot of these benefits would be slashed. Where I disagree is the who "have's" vs "have nots". Most of us here in the U.S. are middle class. Even poor people on welfare have more money, benefits and goods then the middle class in Europe does. Most of the poor people I know have two cars, three color TV's, air conditioners and eat steak a couple times a week. The few who are rich don't mingle with you and I and while it may irritate you that they are rich it makes ZERO difference in your life or how you live today or even after a depression. If they were poor tomorrow it wouldn't help you or me or the situation. So people will indeed be angry that their cushy lives have changed for the worse but there won't be any "have's" around to take it out on.

UrbanMan replies: I agree that a lot if not most people in the U.S. are “middle class”,….right now. I am really scared for my children’s future in a growing government juggernaut that just sucks up resources without providing product. Going the way we are heading now, most of the tax payments will go for government salaries,…I’m only half joking. The economically disadvantaged are increasing; the amount of people on welfare are increasing and the government, at some point, is not going to be able to pay for it. Combined with the people just above the poverty line and those that will be dragged down into this level, I see a large percentage of the population as becoming “have nots”. If and when the food and utilities run out or become so sporadic as to be ineffective, I would think anarchy will result. Nobody hopes this will not be the case more than me, so my pattern has been to prepare for the worse, hope for the best.

I do think we are today looking at the best last chance any people or any country has ever had. That is we can see this coming and we more or less know what to expect. But we could go to the store today and buy all of the necessities and it is relatively inexpensive. You can go out today and buy a years supply of canned, dried and fresh food and you could even use a credit card. Everyone should at least buy a years supply of food and necessities and store them in a closet, basement or garage. We don't have to go into this crisis like the people in New Orleans did.

UrbanMan replies: I agree with everything in your last paragraph. So do most of the people reading this site, or the host of other Survival Preparation sites on the web.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Urban Survival and Societal Collapse - Reader Comments received a long comment from Anonymous regarding the post "Societal Collapse - Part 2: Poverty, Chronically Ill....":

Good comments from a thinking person and they deserve return comments from me not only from what I disagree with but what I agree on. Anonymous' comments are in Italics.

He's guessing based on worse case. Argentina is a reasonable model of a economic collapse and virtually everything he talks about simply did not happen. Some cities will be problematic or more correctly have pockets of problem areas but most cities will ba as safe as the countryside is. I'm not saying it will be just as safe as today but that it won't be an huge difference and leaving the city won't make you safe. In fact the only real difference is if the bad guy gets you in the country he has more time to do bad things because there is no one around to catch him or stop him.

UrbanMan replies: I have to disagree somewhat here. The cities may be as safe as rural areas but only for so long. After a undetermined time period food is going to scare. Some people may have to move to the Government run FEMA type camps in order to survive - these will be the unprepared people. I have also said that Survival is a Team Sport and you have to have a prepared plan. Having a rural location to move to and meet with other alike minded people is going to much safer. I would agree that moving to the country won't make you safer unless you have a Survival Group to rely on and have a plan and are prepared to survive there, food, water and security wise.

An economic collapse will be very much like the great depression. Lots of problems and not enough food and necessities but people will still continue to live their lives and take care of their needs as best they can. As far as disease is concerned unless you are talking about a pandemic and not an economic collapse disease is unlikely to be a major factor. Yes, people who are already seriously ill will be at risk, but healthy people won't just get sick and die.

UrbanMan replies: I'm thinking that another great depression will be much worse than the 1930's, since we have a much more highly mobile population; the population is much greater in density; instant communications via cell phones and the internet will influence the population; and, the United States is much less capable to feed our own population than we were in the 1930's. I think that with a 27% increase in people on food stamps and a 34% increase in people on unemployment benefits, we now have the largest gap in the "have's" and the "have nots", and that combined with the cultural shift over the past several decades into an entitliest society creates a giant potential for anarchy upon a economic collapse.

One of the problems is knowing what is going to happen. No one knows. We can guess and then guess what the result might be but no one knows.

UrbanMan replies: Roger on the know one knows. I think you have to wargame against the possible and probable threats to your survival which boil down to two things: Subsistence (water and food) and Security.

One thing this guys forgets as he tries to conflate the New Orleans experience with an economic collapse: Most people did in fact get the hell out of New Orleans and took care of themselves. Most of those who stayed were already on some form of welfare and had never in their lives "taken care of themselves". If you are expecting the government to provide then you will be very disappointed. But the government will most likely do what it can considering the scope of the problem another great depression would cause.

UrbanMan replies: You are right on New Orleans and the people waiting for the government to take care of them - should be a lesson to us all. I have worked for the government for over three decades. I have little faith in the government's ability to take care of the population and in fact I think the government will likely be the cause of the economic collapse.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Urban Survival Firearms - M1 Garands from the Civilian Marksmanship Program

This may not be common knowledge to all people, but the Civilian Marksmanship Program still exists. And it is still possible to obtain a service rifle such as an M1 Garand and sometimes even M1 Carbines become available. At times, ammunition at great prices are available.

CMP RIFLE SALES. The federal law that established the CMP authorizes it to sell surplus military .22 rimfire and .30 cal. rifles and ammunition to qualified U. S. citizens who are members of gun clubs affiliated with the CMP. All purchasers must provide proof of having received gun safety or marksmanship training and pass an FBI NICS check. The principal rifles sold through this program have been WWII era M1 Garand rifles and WWI era M1903 rifles. The law mandates that proceeds from these sales may be used only to support the Civilian Marksmanship Program. Each year since its establishment in 1996, the CMP has produced an excess of revenues over expenses to fund its firearm safety, marksmanship training and competition programs and an endowment that will support future programs.

For information rifle sales go to:

The Civilian Marksmanship Program (CMP) is a national organization dedicated to training and educating U. S. citizens in responsible uses of firearms and airguns through gun safety training, marksmanship training and competitions. The CMP is a federally chartered 501 (c) (3) corporation that places its highest priority on serving youth through gun safety and marksmanship activities that encourage personal growth and build life skills. Links on this page will lead you to more detailed information about the CMP and its programs.

STATUTORY MISSION. The federal law enacted in 1996 (Title 36 U. S. Code, 0701-40733) that created the Corporation for the Promotion of Rifle Practice and Firearms Safety, Inc. (CPRPFS, the formal legal name of the CMP) mandates these key “functions for the corporation:

(1) To instruct citizens of the United States in marksmanship;
(2) To promote practice and safety in the use of firearms;
(3) To conduct competitions in the use of firearms and to award trophies, prizes, badges, and other insignia to competitors.

The law specifically states: In carrying out the Civilian Marksmanship Program, the corporation shall give priority to activities that benefit firearms safety, training, and competition for youth and that reach as many youth participants as possible.

Some of the latest news from CMP:

WINCHESTER SERVICE GRADE M1 GARAND. The CMP now has several hundred Winchester M1 Garand rifles for sale. Please visit . Item number is RM1WRAS. Price is $795 plus $22.95 S&H.

CMP SALES AT THE 2010 WESTERN CMP GAMES. The Western CMP Games and Creedmoor Cup Match combine to offer an unprecedented nine-day series of clinics, recreation-oriented "as-issued" military rifle matches and national-class service and match rifle competitions with the best highpower rifle shooters in the country. The event will take place 16-24 October at the Ben Avery Shooting Facility, Phoenix , AZ. The Official Program and on-line registration are posted at M1 Garand rifles will be available for selection and subsequent purchase. Memorabilia, new rifle barrels, gun cases, bayonets, rifle stocks, and ammunition will be available for immediate purchase.

M1 CARBINES SOLD OUT. The CMP is now sold out of M1 carbines except for the few we will still be selling on our auction program. At this time, we have no reason to expect to receive any additional quantities of carbines.

The Urban Survivor could do alot worse than an old service grade M1 Garand Rifle as his primary survival firearm.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

Societal Collapse - Part 2: Poverty, Chronically Ill and Death

Already got a PM on why I decided to post this DEMCAD fella videoing his thoughts on Societal Collapse. One of my reader's sent me the link and asked me to comment on this guy. So I decided to give this guy (DEMCAD) another audience and evaluate his comments.

DEMCAD continues on with Part II of the Collapse of Society. His posting on You Tube created alot of comments concerning the validity of the Government to control disaffected areas. Basically the only way to control a population, other than brute force - which would backfire, would be with incentives such as security, food and water.

His valid points this time are the cities will be a bad place to live - survive. That you would have to get out of the urban areas or other with hihg population densities and this requires a vehicle. This Bug Out would of course require a plan and the timing to execute that plan.

The topic of the spread of diseases is valid. This brings up the long discussed point of being able to deal with refugees in a safe and secure manner. Think about how you are going to handle groups, even large groups of people, who need help and may be sick. Children are going to be, in particular, hard to turn down.

He talks about walking out of a city. Possible,..... but not without planning and preparation,...and don't forget the timing, made possible by tracking your indicators.

Again he talks about people leaving the cities looking for resources and the necessity of having the ability to protect the resources you have.

Thursday, October 14, 2010

Societal Collapse - Part I: Plagues and Diseases

Ran across this video and will post them to let the readers decide what validity it has. You have to listen to the end. This gent brings up some valid points,.... ....first about municipalities going broke and not being to pay for services such as law enforcement, emergency response, then probably utilities such as electricity, water and the all important garbage removal.

His second valid point is the the cities will become smaller,..hell, they may even empty out as there is no way to sustain life with any type of society as we know it. Food will be scare and that will force people to the rural areas.

His third point is that the general health will deteriorate and bring on diseases and sickness from the uncontrolled spread of illnesses and lack of sanitation.

His final point is that the collapse is not the end but a transition and says the future will belong to those who prepare.

I think this guy gets it and wish I could get more people, such as my relatives, on board with this pattern of thought.

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Survival Chronicles of Jim - Chapter 19

Just wanted to drop a note and tell all of my latest purchase, a Eton FR600B Survival Radio. I long wanted to buy a self powered radio for when the collapse hits in case there are operational radio stations or short wave transmitters still going strong.

Eton makes several good multi-powered radios, using a hand crank, rechargeable battery or a built in solar panel. I'm kinda a gadget man, so I bought the FR600B model is one of the more expensive radios (at $80), but it also gives shortwave frequencies in the 5800 to 12200 Khz band as well as the standard AM 520-1700 Khz and FM 88-108 Mhz and all 7 NOAA Weather Alert Channels.

This model also has the a four white LED internal flashlight. At less than 8x9x3 inches, it is fairly compact and weighs less than 2 lbs.

The Solar/Hand Crank power feature generates enough energy to power this radio by simply setting it under the sun or with a few turns of the hand crank.

You can also plug in a iPOD or MP3 player and listen to your music if that's a priority to you when you may be scrambling to stay alive, post collapse.

There are cheaper Eton models, and I looked at the FR360R and the FR160B but settled on the FR600B because of the shortwave channels.

Monday, October 11, 2010

Urban Survival Planning - Gold and Silver versus Other Priorities received this comment/question from the last post on Gold and Silver Confiscation: Anonymous said...Good article and thanks for the link to Silver Monthly as they have good information on that site. I see that the Survival Movement is really common sense and not the radical militia thinking that some news organizations make it out to be. I am convinced that I need to better prepared and want to buy some Gold and Silver before it is no longer on option. Would you say that Gold and Silver are more important than some guns for self protection?

UrbanMan replies: Yes Sir, Silver Monthly, that is, is a very good site for information. It, as well as others, should be routinely visited by you in order to put together your "pending collapse indicators" and hence be more prepared to events to rapidly unfold.

The Survival Prepping movement is main stream and hinges on common sense. The same idea in other "cultures" such as the Church of Latter Day Saints" and even government websites such as the Homeland Security Federal Web site and State web sites such as Texas Prepares which have taken away much of the camo clad, gun toting, far right wing stereotype on Survivalists.

To meet your question, I would not say that Gold and Silver is more important than firearms. My first priorities would be to have a Bug Out Plan - where am I going to go when I need to and how am I going to get there, planning Primary, Alternate, Contingency and Emergency routes and modes of travel; to have a Bug Out Bag to support this travel and survival; to have adequate firearms for protection.

Once I have met this immediate need, I would then start procuring survival gear, material and equipment to support long term survival. This would include clothing, long term food, field gear, and Gold and/or Silver. At this stage I would procure equally across the board rather than work off a list, as this would be like procuring a firearm piece by piece only to have the collapse hit when you were still a few pieces short of a full gun.

If you have, say a bunch of wool blankets and tarps, then maybe a good sleeping bag could be prioritized further down your list, because the wool blankets and tarps will work for now - not the best arrangement, but will work in a pinch. So prioritize based on your needs. Long term food, such as dehydrated food, is a priority for me, but I didn't buy a one year supply first before I solved other critical Survival Gear and Equipment needs. I bought a case here and there. See EarthWaveLiving for good deals on dehydrated foods, heirloom seeds and other survival items.

If I had a decent handgun and shotgun, I would probably start procuring other Survival items, including Gold and Silver purchasing, before I re-visited getting better guns. I think you see my message. Be safe and be ready my friend.

Saturday, October 9, 2010

Urban Survival Planning - Gold and Silver Buying and the Confiscation Debate

An Anonymous Reader has left a comment on a previous post concerning the how the Government's new requirement on sellers issuing 1099's for commodities purchases over $600 can be used basically to "register" Gold and Silver for future easy confisciation by the Government.  Anonymous said....."I'm sure this was accidental and they have no intention on confiscating your gold after TSHTF. As a famous person once said "We have to pass the bill so we can find out what is in the bill"! LOL"

Another Anonymous Reader, not realizing the LOL (Laugh Out Load) sign off, said........"I disagree with the above statement. Just remember Argentina. They confiscated gold, silver, savings accounts, retirement accounts. They stated that they would then redistribute the total funds in a monthly payment equal to everyone. Even those that had nothing to begin with. If you didnt take the offer you would not get anything. Hmmm,... wonder why Our government has been studying Argentina's actions. In todays state of policies and affairs you can not ever trust the Government to do whats Right, they do whats best for them and the government."

You have to understand how and why Gold was confiscated in the past in order to make a determination if it is possible in the future.  My point is if you don't want anyone to take it away, then don't let them know about it in the first place...hence the purchasing of Gold and Silver in small amounts from multiple sources.      

The shortest route to understanding possible Government Confiscation of Gold and Silver is through an excellent short article published on   entitled:  "Government Confiscation of Gold: It Happened Before — Could It Happen Again?"  Some of that article is posted below:

Confiscation all dates back to the Trading with the Enemy Act (TWEA) of 1917. That year, President Woodrow Wilson signed the “TWEA” into law, forbidding American individuals and businesses from engaging in trade with “enemy nations.” The world’s functional gold standard, which had overseen tremendous global economic growth in the early years of the twentieth century, was effectively halted by the outbreak of World War I, and the stage was thus set for the Great Depression and World War II.

Shortly after taking office sixteen years later, Franklin Delano Roosevelt signed Executive Order 6102 into law, prohibiting the “hoarding” of gold. Under this executive order, Americans were prohibited from owning more than $100 worth of gold coins, and all “hoarders” (i.e. people who owned more than $100 worth of gold) were forced, by law, to sell their “excess” gold to the government at the prevailing price of $20.67 per ounce.

Then, once the government had all the gold, FDR revalued the dollar relative to gold so that gold was now worth $35 an ounce. By simple decree, the government had thereby robbed millions of American citizens at a rate of $14.33 per ounce of confiscated gold, which is why most historians agree that the Gold Confiscation of 1933 is the single most draconian economic act in the history of the United States.

Like inflation, deflation also begets (perpetuates) more of itself, and as prices dropped, it became wiser for the possessors of money to hold it rather than spend it, since prices would be lower the next day — and even lower the day after that — ad infinitum.

Since no one was spending money, businesses went under and people were out of the work, thus making the situation worse. In response, FDR knew what needed to be done — prices needed to be stabilized. On this, few would disagree. The exception economists take is with the implementation the president chose to pursue.

UrbanMan's comment:  See any similarity to today's economy?

Under FDR, private ownership of gold was effectively barred.  The only exceptions were coinage worth $100 or less, or collectible coins, industrial uses, and jewelry.  Gold could not be “hoarded” as a significant investment, and all “hoarders” were made to sell their gold to the government.

The Federal Reserve itself — a private banking cartel more so than an arm of government — was not excluded from this requirement either, as made clear by the Gold Reserve Act of 1934. That legislation required the Fed to surrender all gold and gold certificates held, to the United States Treasury.

Finally, the dollar was revalued, and U.S. Dollars was then redeemable at a rate of $35 an ounce, as opposed to the old gold standard of $20.67. However, it’s important to note that only foreign bankers and international governments could redeem their dollars for gold — private gold ownership was still illegal in the U.S. until the end of 1974.

The effect revaluation had on the U.S. dollar was an instant depreciation of 41%. Thus, prices were pushed back up again, in nominal terms, at least. What the long-term effects of this action would have been in the absence of World War II will never be known, but within a few years, the U.S. war economy was humming.

Following the end of the second great war, the U.S. stood alone as an economic super power, virtually untouched by the Axis or Allies, while most of Europe lay in ruins. It all made Roosevelt’s coercive and unconstitutional acts look ingenious, but scholars from the left and right continue to debate whether they were truly wise or if the New Deal was bailed out by global externalities.

Gold Confiscation: Could it Happen Again?

Although the U.S. dollar is constantly under pressure, the U.S. government continues to stockpile debt, and impossible-to-fulfill entitlement commitments loom on the horizon, the idea that the U.S. government would try to confiscate citizens’ gold today or anytime in the foreseeable future certainly seems spurious at best. After all, the government did so in the past in order to recalibrate the gold standard, which we have not been on since 1972.

However, our government has become increasingly bold in its refusal to be restrained by the Constitution, and following the return to limited government (at least in rhetoric) by the Reagan administration in the eighties, the Constitution has been all but ignored by subsequent administrations and congresses.

The government might want to reenact gold confiscation, and most congressmen would feel no moral compunction about doing so, but logistically, it would seem virtually impossible in today’s globally interdependent and well-connected economy.

Investors might need to beware, however, if certain interest groups on the left and right get their way and begin building walls, both literally and figuratively, around the country in an effort to block that global interdependence. Protectionism and higher taxes led to the greatest depression in U.S. history, and along with it came gold confiscation. It would probably take a similar impetus for such a sequence of events to happen again.