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Thursday, November 12, 2015

More Evidence That a Race War is Coming?

Just how far will Political Correctness go in this Country? We have politicians, including that idiot Obama, falling all over themselves to create and sustain a narrative that racism among law enforcement is rampant. It is Obama and his lackeys that are setting racial relations back several decades in this Country. It's almost like someone is pushing this country towards a race war doesn't it?

Missouri University President Resigns Amid Racism Protests

The faculty had said that in solidarity with the students' protests against racism they plan a walkout from class on Monday and Tuesday morning. The president of the University of Missouri, Tim Wolfe, resigned amid mounting pressure by students and faculty members over his handling of racial issues on campus.

The faculty of the University of Missouri will walk out of class on Monday and Tuesday in solidarity with hundreds of students who gathered Sunday to protest the use of racial slurs against a black student and football player at the school.

Various faculty members issued a statement Sunday night announcing their protest. "We, the concerned faculty of the University of Missouri, stand in solidarity with Mizzou student activists who are advocating for racial justice on our campus and urge all MU faculty to demonstrate their support by walking out on Monday, November 9, and Tuesday, November 10," the statement, sent out by Associate Professor Elisa Glick, said.

The decision by the faculty members comes as the university's football team is on strike until the resignation of its university President Tim Wolfe, who failed to respond to incidents of on-campus racism, severed relations with Planned Parenthood and stripped funding for graduate students.

The football players said in a statement: “We will no longer participate in any football-related activities until President Tim Wolfe resigns or is removed due to his negligence toward marginalized students’ experience. WE ARE UNITED!!!!!”

Black People Make Up 93% of Ferguson Arrests, DOJ Report Finds

The Department of Justice carried out the investigation after the fatal shooting of a black teenager by a white officer in Ferguson, Missouri. The Ferguson police department is consistently involved in racist activities, the U.S. Department of Justice found Tuesday.

According to a justice official who saw the report, which was commissioned in August last year after the fatal shooting of black teenager Mike Brown by a white police officer in Ferguson, officers in the Missouri town habitually target black people.

The findings are expected to be formally released as early as Wednesday, a DOJ spokeswoman said.
The DOJ will use the report to negotiate with Ferguson officials, or to sue them.

The investigation took into account some 35,000 pages of police reports, which revealed that 93 percent of arrests were made on African-Americans. Sixty-seven percent of the population of Ferguson are black.

Black people were also overwhelmingly the victims of bites from police dogs, and that the court system is less likely to dismiss their cases.

A further preliminary report exposed how Ferguson police disproportionately targeted African Americans in traffic stops, which brings in extra revenue for the city.

Ferguson became the fiery epicenter of anti-police brutality and anti-racism protests since Brown’s shooting death in the summer last year. Many hope that the Justice Department report could serve as a template for country-wide change.


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