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Saturday, June 22, 2013

Economic Collapse is Coming - Time to Leave the U.S.

The Dollar Vigilante's Jeff Berwick is back chatting about a myriad of economic and stock market-related issues with Cambridge House Live's anchor, Bridgitte Anderson. Taped at Cambridge House International's Vancouver Resource Investment Conference.

This is more opinion and food for thought on the coming financial-economic collapse. Cast your knowledge net wide, collect and analyze that information, discard what is bunk and plan/prepare. 

1 comment:

  1. There may well be a U.S. economic collapse or great depression or there may be worldwide economic collapse or great depression. There could be riots and martial law. But given any of the possible scenarios I would rather weather them in the U.S. or Canada (and a handful of European countries) then go to Argentina or most thrid world countries. They don't like you there. We here in the U.S. don't really know what racism and tribalism is most of what we see is played up for political advantage. In most foriegn countries they don't like outsiders and you will never in your lifetime "fit in". The ONLY reason you can go anywhere in South America and live today is because you have money and it is your money that is welcome. As soon as the SHTF everything will change and all strangers/gringos will be looked on with suspicion and viewed as opportunities.
