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Saturday, November 5, 2011

Selco's SHTF School

I tell people that as Americans we have very few examples of SHTF scenarios from which to draw lessons learned and conclusions from. Basically the Civil War, which happened 150 years ago, and the Great Depression of the 1930’s are our national history and sources for hard times. We also utilize novels based on potential causes of and the aftermath of some type of collapse event,….be it EMP or economic collapse. Most Survivalists have read “Patriots”, “One Second After”, “Lights Out” and possibly the new Rawles’ novel “Survivors”.

However, what I didn’t realize until I read Selco’s posts on Survivalistboards was that this country is full of transplanted Americans or otherwise people who have escaped terrible situations in other countries and have immigrated to the U.S.  They have a wealth of knowledge to share with us. 

I welcome Selco’s website, as an excellent resource for first hand experience and lessons learned from his survival of the Bosnian conflict. Great website Selco!


  1. I came across this page a couple days ago, and it's a great read. Not really organized into any specific categories per post. You just gotta read every bit of it and absorb as much as you can. Lots of great lessons in there!

  2. this goes right along in the same train of thought and experiences the commentary is quite incredible and interesting as well as the water filter kit for incredibly low cost large quantity production . way past cool site and ensights ! This guy also likes Selcos perspective for the same reasons of been there , and done that in and out of Cambodia in 1968 .
