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Showing posts with label Radiation sickness. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Radiation sickness. Show all posts

Sunday, January 9, 2011

Urban Survival - Radiation Detection and Symptoms

Of the many collapse scenarios that we plan for, possibly the hardest would be the nuclear blast and radiation threat from either a nuclear missile strike by another country or devices smuggled into this country either at port of entry or into a major city in the interior.

Obviously the best possible course of action is to situated in a location well outside of the major target areas and away from prevailing winds which would drive the radiation fallout.

There are other nuclear events that would necessitate some level of preparedness and protection. These may include: nuclear power plant accidents; nuclear weapons accidents; international incidents involving radioactive materials; lost (orphan) radiation sources and devices; and, accidents involving satellites containing radioactive material.

The amount of radiation exposure is usually expressed in a unit called millirem (mrem). In the United States , the average person is exposed to an effective dose equivalent of approximately 360 mrem (whole-body exposure) per year from all sources, however the medical community often expresses exposure in terms of Gray (Gy). One Gy equals 100 roentgens.

The dose calculator is based on the American Nuclear Society's brochure, "Personal Radiation Dose Chart". These values used in the calculator are general averages and do not provide precise individual dose calculations.

There are two basic types of radiation: ionizing and non-ionizing. Non-ionizing radiation comes in the form of radio waves, solar light, microwaves and radar. This kind of radiation usually does not cause tissue damage. Ionizing radiation is radiation that produces immediate chemical effects on human tissue and sickness.

The bigger the exposure dose, the faster the symptoms of radiation sickness will come upon you. Use the following symptoms and timelines to determine level of dose. Severe and Very severe exposure almost always means death. Moderate exposure may also mean death if competent medical treatment is not immediately received.

Nausea and vomiting

Mild exposure – within 6 hours
Moderate exposure – within 2 hours
Severe exposure – within 1 hour
Very severe exposure - within 10 minutes


Moderate exposure – within 8 hours
Severe exposure – within 3 hours
Very severe exposure - within 60 minutes


Moderate exposure – within 24 hours
Severe exposure – within 4 hours
Very severe exposure - within 2 hours


Moderate exposure – within 3 hours
Severe exposure – within 1 hour
Very severe exposure - within 1 hour

Dizziness, Weakness and Hair Loss

Severe exposure – within 1 week
Very severe exposure - Immediate

Radiation detection. Most of us do not have radiation detection equipment simply because it is too expensive. However, there is a small device called a “RADsticker” which is a miniature radiation detector that is inexpensive and easy to use to monitor personal exposure or exposure to an area.

Available from the World Net Daily Superstore, the RADSticker is a peel & stick, postage stamp sized, instant color developing dosimeter, is always ready and with you 24/7, stuck onto the back your drivers license or anything you keep close, for any future radiation emergency.

The RADsticker is a non-electrical, reliable, rugged and useful for determining radiation exposure and if medical treatment required in a major radiological incident, such as a nuclear or dirty bomb explosion, nuclear power plant accident or mishandled radiation sources.