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Showing posts with label natural disaster prep. Show all posts
Showing posts with label natural disaster prep. Show all posts

Thursday, September 13, 2012

Today is the Day Before,..Are You Ready for Tomorrow?

Today is the Day Before,..Are You Ready for Tomorrow? This is the title page at the government's where you will find the U.S. Government exposes emergency preparedness for natural disasters and other non-intentional scenarios for SHTF. On the landing page of this site there is a U.S. map that you can click on to see dates and events, in a day before, day after format, which are designed to impact the reader with the need to prepare.

People who are not completely in the camp for preparing for economic collapse, nuclear or EMP attacks, or a total SHTF type scenario, could benefit from this site. Right or wrong they may see that if the U.S. Government advocates some sort of preparedness then it may be a valid thing to do. May ultimately mean less refugees in the very early phases or less people knocking at your door.

The website also has some more videos, while not really instructional, they magnify the general prepares theme. Here is one of them:

For more videos go to this address.