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Wednesday, February 20, 2013

The Horrifying Collapse of America Predicted

Chris Hedges saying "Brace yourself,...the American Empire is Over and the Descent is going to be Horrifying". Mr Hedges paints a terrible picture on the decline of America, why it is happening and how it is irreversible. While some of Hedges says I personally disagree with, it is really irreflutable that debt, corruption, over burdening and heavy handed government and simply incompetence has doomed this country.


  1. Almost $17 billion in debt now. Our federal government is like a junkie or alcoholic they are hooked on debt and are in denial. This is (as you would know if you know any junkies or alcoholics) a very dangerous phase in their addiction. They are being threatened with having thier drung of choice cut off. They will do anything to continue their daily "high". They will lie, cheat and, yes, even kill to keep their power and get their fix. This is a dangerous phase so if you see them start buying ammo or patting down grandma and little children to use the public transportation; be afraid...

  2. It drives me crazy when someone/anyone combines reasonable points of view with strange other world kinds of views like one of those AM radio cult personalities. For example he stated the corporations hold a family hostage and let the children suffer and the family go bankrupt. Clearly an attempt to hold the corporation responsible for the quality or completeness of the health insurance. Two points: 1)Health insurance isn't a right and we should be damned happy that the company we work for even provides it as part of our employment package. How then do we feel justified in blaming the corporation??? 2)Insurance is a contract. You pay more for more coverage. I have comprehensive and collision on my three vehicles and I pay quite a few bucks for that. It's the same for health insurance. Most people can't afford and don't want to pay for the Cadillac health insurance that covers everything. Then you our your kids get somethng not covered or exceed the payout in the contract and suddenly it's the insurance companies fault!!! DUH! If you want full coverage then pay for full coverage and read your contract.

    When this guy is so wrong on something as simple as this it puts the rest of his beliefs into doubt. Not that he is wrong on eeerything but that he simply has no clue and is just throwing shit against the wall to see what sticks.

    1. it drives me crazy when fools like you take one "iffy" comment and disparage then entire point of view.

  3. People reveal themselves and when they do you ignore those tells at your own peril. Too many people have an agenda and tout beliefs based on their agenda. They are smart enough to couch their words in a sly way and bring you along down the road of converting to their belief system. This man was doing a good job of that but has this crazy belief that big business are dirty bastards because they don't give you endless and total healthcare and that insurance companies are bastards because they don't provide 100% coverage for the price of 50% coverage. So what is this man's agenda? Is he correct in everything he said? You obviously agree with him and resent that someone disagrees. His "tell" is his crazy obsession with the "big business is bad" meme and "big insurance is bad". He revealed himself as a bit of a nutcase. A well spoken slick nutcase but a nutcase never the less. Should I ignore these tells and drink the coolaid?
